, Docker
As I start to learn Rust, in addition to the Rust playground, I want to create something more local. Docker seems like a good choice, but I don't want 1.8 GB image.
I found this Docker file (thanks Justin Cormack) which uses Alpine and what it creates is exactly what I need.
First, I create a file called Dockerfile
with the following content:
FROM alpine:edge
RUN echo http:"//" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
apk update && apk upgrade && apk add \
gcc musl-dev rust cargo
Once I have a Docker file, the next step is to build the image
$ docker build --tag alpinerust .
To verify the image has been built:
$ docker images
Now I can run it:
$ docker run --rm -it -e USER=%USERNAME% alpine /bin/sh
On Linux:
$ docker run --rm -it -e USER=$USER alpine /bin/sh
Now I get a prompt which indicates I'm inside a Linux Alpine machine. To verify that I can run Rust, type
# cargo
All is good. When done, simply type exit
at the Linux prompt. To run again repeat
$ docker run --rm -it alpine /bin/sh
# cargo
# exit